6th May 2023

Every anniversary the kids eat a custard cream to think of you. They always say custard creams are one of their favourite grandma memories because you would always give them as many as they asked for, simply because you couldn’t say no to their little faces ♥️ Every anniversary I buy myself the trashiest magazine I can find in Tesco (usually take a break), run a bubble bath and read it in the bath. This is because you would always save all of yours and Isabel’s magazines to give to me because you knew how much I loved to read the true life stories in the bath 😂 Always so thoughtful and with the biggest heart. We all miss you very much but I’m glad that we have these little traditions to remember you by. The kids are all growing up so fast and I know you are keeping an eye over every single one of them and watching over them all with pride. Ab x